Saturday 24 November 2012

As You Like It - Act 3 Scene 2 - Quiz

Test 3 – ICSE preparation         

 Faculty - Arihant Bhandawat
Syllabus – As You Like It – 3 Scene 2

Fill in the blanks.

  1. Orlando says that the trees of the forest shall become his __________ while the ________ of the trees shall be used to inscribe (or write) his thoughts.
  2. According to the philosophy of Corin it is the property of the rain to make __________, __________ to burn and ____________ that makes the sheep fat.
  3. Touchstone mentions that Corin shall be damned like an ______________ egg.
  4. Touchstone tells that courtier’s hands are worse than the shepherd’s hands as the shepherd's hands are filled with grease but the courtier’s hands are filled with _________________.
  5. The courtiers use perfume made of ___________________.
  6. When Touchstone hears the poem written for Rosalind he says that the poem is similar to poems written by _____________ going to the market.
  7. Celia tells that if she has to answer to all questions of Rosalind she has to have ______________ mouth.
  8. Rosalind tells that if a tree fells fruit in the shape of Orlando then such a tree would be called as ___________________ tree.
  9. Jaques tells Orlando that he might have learn sweet talkings from ___________________ rings.
  10. Rosalind shall cure Orlando by _________________ and ____________________.
Pick the correct option (any one correct choice)

(a)    According to Touchstone, Corin shall be damned because of the following reason:

i.    If Corin had never been to any court he never learnt singing; since he did not learn singing he was not of good character; since he was not of good character he was evil; since he was evil he would be damned.
ii.    If Corin had never been to any court he never saw any good manners; since he never saw good manners then his manners must be wicked; since his manners were wicked he shall be a sinner; since he is a sinner he shall be damned.
iii.    Both the above options are correct
iv.    None of the above options are correct.

(b)    Corin says he is true and honest labourer. The point he uses to justify his word is:

i.    He is a true labourer because he earns what he eats and what he wears.
ii.    He is true labourer because he hates nobody and envy’s no man’s happiness.
iii.    He is a true labourer because his greatest pleasure is to see his ewes graze and lambs suck.
iv.    Only points (i) and (ii) are  correct.
v.    All points (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(c)    Which of the statement is not CORRECT?
i.    Orlando has written in his poem that the beauty of Rosalind spreads from East to the West Indies.
ii.    Orlando has written in his poem that the beauty of Rosalind is known across the world.
iii.    Orlando has written in his poem that the beauty of Rosalind is better than all the paintings of the world.
iv.    All of the above statements.

(d)    Which are the following points that Touchstone uses to mock Rosalind?
i.    If a cat shall run after he own type, so be sure will Rosalind.
ii.    The sweetest nut has the bitterest rind, such a nut is Rosalind.
iii.    Anyone looking to find sweetst rose must also find thorns and Rosalind.
iv.    All of the above points are correct.

(e)    Which are the questions that Rosalind did NOT ask Celia?
i.    How does Orlando look like?
ii.    Where is Orlando staying?
iii.    What was he doing?
iv.    None of the above points

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